About Us
Who we are
The Derby City Youth Alliance is a coalition of community organisations who have come together to help support young people in Derby to be safe, develop and prosper.
We want Derby to be a city where young people feel supported and have opportunity, where diversity and inclusivity are celebrated and where even those from the most challenging backgrounds feel happy, safe and empowered.
What we do
We work with members and partners from a broad range of specialist organisations to provide individual support and place based youth activities. Through this, the Alliance aims to reduce risk and improve wellbeing and opportunities for young people.
Our focus is always based around the needs of the most vulnerable and challenged young people and disadvantaged communities. Central to our work is promoting trust, risk and responsibility sharing, innovation and high performance between all parties.
How we operate
We receive referrals from official organisations and funding partners for young people at risk or place based issues
The needs are assessed and support from the most relevant partner organisation is offered
We proactively deliver city wide projects for young people via intelligence from our stakeholders
Support can come in a number of ways. Initially, the Alliance provides mentoring support. Following this, and when the young person is ready, we can offer access to a diverse range of activities to suit the young person’s wishes. This is achieved through our ever growing network of approved alliance providers.
The opportunities we offer meet the needs and are relevant to young people, and these are always developing.
How can you get involved?​
We are a growing body and always welcome new members and partners who share our ethos and who can support our aims and ambitions to improve the lives of young people in Derby.
You can support the Youth Alliance by way of funding, mentoring and providing activities or can attend our Children and Young People's networking meetings to meet other like-minded organisations from across the city.
If you want to know more or have a chat please get in touch!
Meet the Team
Community Action Derby (CA) is a registered charity providing support and guidance for voluntary and community groups. CA acts as an overarching, independent body for the Alliance. It's role is to:
Ensure all Alliances are operating as they should
Ensure all Alliance members are meeting the values and ethics of the Alliance
Ensure all Alliances are allocating funding as they should
Settle any disputes
Act as a voting party within Alliances if necessary
Quality Assess new and existing Approved Alliance Partners