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Image by BP Miller

YA / CYPN Meeting - September 2024

Writer's picture: AdminAdmin

Last week we held our September 2024 Children and Young People's Network meeting at Moorways Sports Village. Thank you to everyone who presented about their upcoming opportunities and work they have been doing to support children and young people in Derby City and to those professionals attending with an open mind to learn about collaborative working opportunities and making new connections.

Lauren Slater, Activities and Wellbeing Manager from Everyone Active shared that Everyone Active run a variety of free sessions for children and young people at Moorways, and would like to support organisations to run more sessions in the evenings using their venue.

Richard Keene, New Arrivals Alliance Manager from Community Action Derby spoke about the importance of working together to address inequalities and access to services for new arrivals families, individuals, unaccompanied children and young people.

Nisha Nath from Surtal Arts - Surtal Arts is an organisation that specialises in South Asian arts and focus on engagement of children and young people. Nisha shared that the Derby Season of Light is coming back from October to December 2024 and discussed a new project for young people to get involved in called Love Planet.

Franky Boyland, Sports Welfare Lead from Active Derbyshire expressed how important it is to make playing sports a safe space for children and young people, and inclusive for all. she works alongside the Sports Welfare Network, NSPCC and many more to promote good welfare and safe practice in sports and physical activity in Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire.

Jane Paling & Helen Britten from Derby City Council Locality 3 Neighbourhood Team and Community Action Derby called for organisations to join them at their Marketplace event to support young people and families within Abbey, Arboretum and Normanton Wards. The Marketplace event will be held on September 25th at the Derby West Indian Community Association, Carrington Street, DE1 2ND. Click here for more information and to book a stand.

Matilda Rowland, Rosie Roberts and Danni Chell informed the group of their intentions to continue to provide a dance provision to Derby City following the voluntary insolvency of Déda, and this is through Derby Dance Network. They are open to all and any support, click here to get in touch with them.

The next CYPN will be held on 24th October 10am-12pm - location is to be confirmed. The theme is Youth Voice and Engagement and will be hosted by Michelle Butler and led by Sam and Alisha, the Derby Youth Mayor and Deputy.

Thank you to over 55 professionals that attended this CYPN, we look forward to seeing you all in October!

For more information about our CYP network or to get involved please visit :

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Community Action Derby (CA) acts as an overarching, independent body for the Derby Youth Alliance. CA is a registered charity (number 1043482) providing support and guidance for voluntary and community groups, and a company limited by guarantee (number 994798) registered in England at 30 Charnwood Street, Derby DE1 2GU.

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