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Image by BP Miller

Safer Together

We all deserve to live in a community where we feel supported, safe and able to be ourselves but unfortunately sometimes this isn't the case.


Safer Together is a Derby City initiative that encourages local people to share information about concerns within their communities that they feel are affecting children, young people and their families to be able to lead a healthy and safe lifestyle.


If you are a member of the public, a charity or local group or a member of staff within a statutory organisation you are likely to know information about your area that can be concerning or worrying and perhaps you are unsure whether it should be reported, and to who. 

Sharing this information with the right people who can help is vital to improving the safety of our communities, and we are here to help. With a wide range of partners who are supporting, we can ensure that the information that you share is fed into the work of the right partner across the city to make things better.

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How do I contact you?

We have an email inbox which is monitored by staff between working hours Monday to Friday. 



There is not a telephone number or quick response for our service.


In event of a general enquiry consider contacting 101, and in event of an emergency or immediate risk contact 999.

What should I report?

We are interested in information that you may have about your community, that may affect or potentially affect the wellbeing or safety of children, young people and families.


Some examples of this could include:

  • Are there young people gathering in a space where they could be at risk from harm?

  • Is there a house with lots of comings and goings - particularly of young people at strange hours?

  • Has a young person told you about any concerns they have in the community, such as a certain place or around specific people?

  • Do you know something worrying about a group, business or organisation and you don't know who to speak to?


Trust your instincts, and if you feel uncomfortable about something that is going on or have concerns that the location or community situation may mean that a young person or group may be at risk of harm to themselves or others, please do let us know. 


It would be really helpful for you to include:

  • Location - do you know the street, house number or postcode? If it is an organisation or company, do you know their business or group name?

  • Time  - does this happen at certain times of the day, or certain days of the week? This information will help us to follow up on your information with outreach at the most appropriate times.

  • People - do you have names or descriptions of people who are causing harm or putting young people at risk?


We are not able to accept emergencies or immediate incident response - in event of an immediate threat, or a crime taking place please do always call 999.

At any time you can also pass information free and anonymously through the national charity Crimestoppers and in some cases receive a reward.

What will you do with the information that I share?

We have data sharing agreements in place and are able to share your information with relevant teams and departments that are able to support the investigation.


This could include:

  • Social Care (Derby City Council)

  • Community Safety (Derby City Council)

  • Local Area Coordinators (Derby City Council)

  • Safer Neighbourhood policing teams (Derbyshire Constabulary)

  • Housing teams (Derby Homes, Metropolitan Trent Valley Housing)

  • Network member organisations/charities that support Community Safety in your area.


We are not able to accept emergencies or immediate incident response - in event of an immediate threat, or a crime taking place please do always call 999.

At any time you can also pass information free and anonymously through the national charity Crimestoppers and in some cases receive a reward.

Can I remain anonymous?

Your email address will be received by our inbox, but we are not be able to trace you and will not endeavour to.


We are a small team and are not able to respond to your information unless you have specifically requested a response. If you are happy to be contacted about your information, your contact details will need to be given for us to able to contact you and in this circumstance you will then be waving your anonymity. 


Your information will be received and passed to the appropriate organisation who can deal with what you have told us. Due to multi-agency ongoing investigations, it will not be possible to give you a progress update on the information or situation that you have told us about. You are however able to send in the information again if the situation has not improved within a reasonable time scale or if the situation has escalated or changed since your previous contact with us.


We are not able to accept emergencies or immediate incident response - in event of an immediate threat, or a crime taking place please do always call 999.

At any time you can also pass information free and anonymously through the national charity Crimestoppers and in some cases receive a reward.

Help keep our communities safe.

Email us your community information or concerns.

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Community Action Derby (CA) acts as an overarching, independent body for the Derby Youth Alliance. CA is a registered charity (number 1043482) providing support and guidance for voluntary and community groups, and a company limited by guarantee (number 994798) registered in England at 30 Charnwood Street, Derby DE1 2GU.

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